Maintain a Healthy Smile with Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings in New Jersey
You may think that regular brushing and flossing are enough to keep your teeth beautiful and functional. As much as we wish that were true, dental hygiene requires more effort. The best thing you can do for your smile, other than brushing and flossing, is visiting your dentist every six months. When you visit us regularly for your River Edge teeth cleanings and dental exams, we will clean the hard-to-reach spots and remove the tartar buildup that simple brushing and flossing can’t. Additionally, Dr. Martirossian will identify dental decay proactively. In other words, when we find dental decay early, we can save you from future discomfort. During every visit, your dentist will also examine your teeth to make sure your bite is still functional and comfortable. If you’d like to schedule a routine visit with your dental team at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness, give us a call at (201) 880-6736. Our goal is to keep your smile healthy, and we’d love to see you for a dental cleaning.