River Edge, Nj / (201) 880-6736

Tooth Extractions Hero

Tooth Extractionsin River Edge, New Jersey

Painless Tooth Extractions

Historically, tooth extractions don’t make us jump for joy. However, when your dental decay gets severe enough, extractions are often the best option. Not only is the process easy but you also avoid more severe pain by extracting an impacted or infected tooth. Without an extraction, you will suffer for longer without any relief. But, with our River Edge tooth extraction and a beautiful tooth replacement, you will both feel and look great in just one to two visits. Here at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness, we understand the fear around extractions. So, we want to make the process as easy as possible for you. To speak with Dr. Martirossian, give us a call at (201) 880-6736.
Who Needs an Extraction

Who Needs an Extraction?

Wisdom teeth removal is the most common type of extraction for teens and young adults, as these teeth will often overcrowd your smile as they grow in. As we age, though, people need extractions for other reasons, as well. Whether you have severely damaged teeth or impacted teeth, getting your tooth removed might be your best option. When you visit us at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness, we will consider all of your options before to see if extractions are the right choice for you.

Infected Teeth

When our patients visit us regularly for general dentistry appointments, we catch dental decay at an early stage. Usually, we can fix this decay with composite fillings. Other times, dental decay is more ingrained in the tooth. In these cases, we either fit a dental crown or perform a root canal. In extreme cases of decay, though, you might need a tooth extraction. When you visit us for a consultation, we will discuss your options. With the help of your dentist, you’ll decide your smile goals and the perfect treatment methods to attain them.

Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth are teeth that don’t fully rise to the surface of your gums. When people have impacted teeth, they either need an extraction or a surgical procedure to bring the teeth up to the surface. When you visit your dentist, you can discuss which option works better for your smile.

Overcrowded Teeth

Some people were born with too many teeth. Others, yet, have small jawlines that can’t fit all their adult teeth. Whatever the case, overcrowding causes misalignment, crooked teeth, and displaced teeth. When this happens, you will experience pain while chewing, biting, and talking. To prevent further discomfort, extractions often help mitigate overcrowding so your smile looks and feels great.

Cracked and Broken Teeth

If you have cracked or broken teeth, dental crowns, and veneers can help restore and enhance your smile. However, some cracks are too severe for these topical fixes. Instead, you may need an extraction to remove and replace your tooth. The good news is that modern tooth replacements like dental implants are both beautiful and functional, leaving you with a gorgeous new smile.

After Your Extraction

More than anything, feeling a bit sore is the biggest complaint we hear about after an extraction. With the prescribed pain medication and a few days of rest, though, you’ll recover quickly and easily.

While your smile is healing, we recommend eating soft foods to increase your comfort. Many of our patients enjoy a diet of mashed potatoes, soups, and ice cream so you might want to stock up your fridge before your procedure. Once the healing process is complete, you will want to replace your missing teeth. Here at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness, we can fit you with beautiful new dentures or implant dentures. The best part is that your tooth replacements will look just like natural teeth. Oftentimes, our patients report that their replacements look even better than their smile looked before!


Your Dental Team for Tooth Extractions in River Edge, NJ

A tooth extraction sounds scary. But, at Marlen Elite Dental Wellness Elite Dental Wellness, we want you to be comfortable and anxiety-free. If you’re in need of a tooth extraction River Edge dentist, Dr. Martirossian, can help you get out of pain and back do doing what you love. Call us at (201) 880-6736 today to schedule a consultation!

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